Silverlight 5 | WinRT |
public sealed class AddDeleteThemeTransition | |
: Transition, IDependencyObject, ITransition, IAddDeleteThemeTransition |
public class BackEase | public sealed class BackEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, IBackEase |
public Double Amplitude { get; set; } | public virtual Double Amplitude { get; set; } |
public sealed class BeginStoryboard | public sealed class BeginStoryboard |
: TriggerAction, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : TriggerAction, IDependencyObject, ITriggerAction, IBeginStoryboard |
public Storyboard Storyboard { get; set; } | public virtual Storyboard Storyboard { get; set; } |
public class BounceEase | public sealed class BounceEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, IBounceEase |
public Int32 Bounces { get; set; } | public virtual Int32 Bounces { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty BouncesProperty { get; } | |
public Double Bounciness { get; set; } | public virtual Double Bounciness { get; set; } |
public class CircleEase | public sealed class CircleEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, ICircleEase |
public sealed enum ClockState | public sealed enum ClockState |
: IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible | : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible |
{ Active, Filling, Stopped } | { Active, Filling, Stopped } |
public sealed class ColorAnimation | public sealed class ColorAnimation |
: Timeline, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IColorAnimation |
public Nullable`1<Color> By { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<Color> By { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty ByProperty { get; } | |
public IEasingFunction EasingFunction { get; set; } | public virtual EasingFunctionBase EasingFunction { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty EasingFunctionProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Boolean EnableDependentAnimation { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty EnableDependentAnimationProperty { get; } | |
public Nullable`1<Color> From { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<Color> From { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty FromProperty { get; } | |
public Nullable`1<Color> To { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<Color> To { get; set; } |
public sealed class ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames | public sealed class ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames |
: Timeline, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames |
public virtual Boolean EnableDependentAnimation { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty EnableDependentAnimationProperty { get; } | |
public ColorKeyFrameCollection KeyFrames { get; } | public virtual ColorKeyFrameCollection KeyFrames { get; } |
public abstract class ColorKeyFrame | public class ColorKeyFrame |
: DependencyObject, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DependencyObject, IDependencyObject, IColorKeyFrame |
public KeyTime KeyTime { get; set; } | public virtual KeyTime KeyTime { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty KeyTimeProperty { get; } | |
public Color Value { get; set; } | public virtual Color Value { get; set; } |
public sealed class ColorKeyFrameCollection | public sealed class ColorKeyFrameCollection |
: PresentationFrameworkCollection`1<ColorKeyFrame>, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IList`1<ColorKeyFrame>, ICollection`1<ColorKeyFrame>, IEnumerable`1<ColorKeyFrame>, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection | : __ComObject, IList`1<ColorKeyFrame>, ICollection`1<ColorKeyFrame>, IEnumerable`1<ColorKeyFrame>, IEnumerable |
public sealed class ContentThemeTransition | |
: Transition, IDependencyObject, ITransition, IContentThemeTransition | |
public virtual Double HorizontalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty HorizontalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double VerticalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty VerticalOffsetProperty { get; } |
public sealed class CrossSlideBackThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, ICrossSlideBackThemeAnimation | |
public virtual Double FromHorizontalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty FromHorizontalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double FromVerticalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty FromVerticalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class CrossSlideHintThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, ICrossSlideHintThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double ToHorizontalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ToHorizontalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double ToVerticalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ToVerticalOffsetProperty { get; } |
public class CubicEase | public sealed class CubicEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, ICubicEase |
public sealed class DiscreteColorKeyFrame | public sealed class DiscreteColorKeyFrame |
: ColorKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : ColorKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IColorKeyFrame, IDiscreteColorKeyFrame |
public sealed class DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame | public sealed class DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame |
: DoubleKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DoubleKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IDoubleKeyFrame, IDiscreteDoubleKeyFrame |
public sealed class DiscreteObjectKeyFrame | public sealed class DiscreteObjectKeyFrame |
: ObjectKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : ObjectKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IObjectKeyFrame, IDiscreteObjectKeyFrame |
public sealed class DiscretePointKeyFrame | public sealed class DiscretePointKeyFrame |
: PointKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : PointKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IPointKeyFrame, IDiscretePointKeyFrame |
public sealed class DoubleAnimation | public sealed class DoubleAnimation |
: Timeline, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IDoubleAnimation |
public Nullable`1<Double> By { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<Double> By { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty ByProperty { get; } | |
public IEasingFunction EasingFunction { get; set; } | public virtual EasingFunctionBase EasingFunction { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty EasingFunctionProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Boolean EnableDependentAnimation { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty EnableDependentAnimationProperty { get; } | |
public Nullable`1<Double> From { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<Double> From { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty FromProperty { get; } | |
public Nullable`1<Double> To { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<Double> To { get; set; } |
public sealed class DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames | public sealed class DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames |
: Timeline, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IDoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames |
public virtual Boolean EnableDependentAnimation { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty EnableDependentAnimationProperty { get; } | |
public DoubleKeyFrameCollection KeyFrames { get; } | public virtual DoubleKeyFrameCollection KeyFrames { get; } |
public abstract class DoubleKeyFrame | public class DoubleKeyFrame |
: DependencyObject, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DependencyObject, IDependencyObject, IDoubleKeyFrame |
public KeyTime KeyTime { get; set; } | public virtual KeyTime KeyTime { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty KeyTimeProperty { get; } | |
public Double Value { get; set; } | public virtual Double Value { get; set; } |
public sealed class DoubleKeyFrameCollection | public sealed class DoubleKeyFrameCollection |
: PresentationFrameworkCollection`1<DoubleKeyFrame>, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IList`1<DoubleKeyFrame>, ICollection`1<DoubleKeyFrame>, IEnumerable`1<DoubleKeyFrame>, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection | : __ComObject, IList`1<DoubleKeyFrame>, ICollection`1<DoubleKeyFrame>, IEnumerable`1<DoubleKeyFrame>, IEnumerable |
public sealed class DragItemThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IDragItemThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class DragOverThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IDragOverThemeAnimation | |
public virtual AnimationDirection Direction { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty DirectionProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double ToOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ToOffsetProperty { get; } |
public sealed class DropTargetItemThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IDropTargetItemThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class EasingColorKeyFrame | public sealed class EasingColorKeyFrame |
: ColorKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : ColorKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IColorKeyFrame, IEasingColorKeyFrame |
public IEasingFunction EasingFunction { get; set; } | public virtual EasingFunctionBase EasingFunction { get; set; } |
public sealed class EasingDoubleKeyFrame | public sealed class EasingDoubleKeyFrame |
: DoubleKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DoubleKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IDoubleKeyFrame, IEasingDoubleKeyFrame |
public IEasingFunction EasingFunction { get; set; } | public virtual EasingFunctionBase EasingFunction { get; set; } |
public abstract class EasingFunctionBase | public class EasingFunctionBase |
: DependencyObject, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : DependencyObject, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase |
public EasingMode EasingMode { get; set; } | public virtual EasingMode EasingMode { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty EasingModeProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double Ease(Double normalizedTime); | public virtual Double Ease(Double normalizedTime); |
public sealed enum EasingMode | public sealed enum EasingMode |
: IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible | : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible |
{ EaseOut, EaseIn, EaseInOut } | { EaseOut, EaseIn, EaseInOut } |
public sealed class EasingPointKeyFrame | public sealed class EasingPointKeyFrame |
: PointKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : PointKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IPointKeyFrame, IEasingPointKeyFrame |
public IEasingFunction EasingFunction { get; set; } | public virtual EasingFunctionBase EasingFunction { get; set; } |
public class ElasticEase | public sealed class ElasticEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, IElasticEase |
public Int32 Oscillations { get; set; } | public virtual Int32 Oscillations { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty OscillationsProperty { get; } | |
public Double Springiness { get; set; } | public virtual Double Springiness { get; set; } |
public sealed class EntranceThemeTransition | |
: Transition, IDependencyObject, ITransition, IEntranceThemeTransition | |
public virtual Double FromHorizontalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty FromHorizontalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double FromVerticalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty FromVerticalOffsetProperty { get; } |
public class ExponentialEase | public sealed class ExponentialEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, IExponentialEase |
public Double Exponent { get; set; } | public virtual Double Exponent { get; set; } |
public sealed class FadeInThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IFadeInThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class FadeOutThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IFadeOutThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed enum FillBehavior | public sealed enum FillBehavior |
: IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible | : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible |
{ HoldEnd, Stop } | { HoldEnd, Stop } |
public abstract interface IEasingFunction | |
public abstract virtual Double Ease(Double normalizedTime); |
public sealed class KeySpline | public sealed class KeySpline |
: DependencyObject, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DependencyObject, IDependencyObject, IKeySpline |
public Point ControlPoint1 { get; set; } | public virtual Point ControlPoint1 { get; set; } |
public Point ControlPoint2 { get; set; } | public virtual Point ControlPoint2 { get; set; } |
public sealed struct KeyTime | public sealed struct KeyTime |
: ValueType | : ValueType |
public TimeSpan TimeSpan { get; } | |
public KeyTimeType Type { get; } | |
static public KeyTime Uniform { get; } | |
static public Boolean Equals(KeyTime keyTime1, KeyTime keyTime2); | |
public Boolean Equals(KeyTime value); | |
public virtual Boolean Equals(Object value); | |
static public KeyTime FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan timeSpan); | |
public virtual Int32 GetHashCode(); | |
static public Boolean op_Equality(KeyTime keyTime1, KeyTime keyTime2); | |
static public KeyTime op_Implicit(TimeSpan timeSpan); | |
static public Boolean op_Inequality(KeyTime keyTime1, KeyTime keyTime2); | |
public virtual String ToString(); |
public sealed enum KeyTimeType | |
: IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible | |
{ Uniform, TimeSpan } |
public sealed class KeyTimeHelper | |
: __ComObject, IKeyTimeHelper | |
static public KeyTime FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan timeSpan); |
public sealed class LinearColorKeyFrame | public sealed class LinearColorKeyFrame |
: ColorKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : ColorKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IColorKeyFrame, ILinearColorKeyFrame |
public sealed class LinearDoubleKeyFrame | public sealed class LinearDoubleKeyFrame |
: DoubleKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DoubleKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IDoubleKeyFrame, ILinearDoubleKeyFrame |
public sealed class LinearPointKeyFrame | public sealed class LinearPointKeyFrame |
: PointKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : PointKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IPointKeyFrame, ILinearPointKeyFrame |
public sealed class ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames | public sealed class ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames |
: Timeline, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames |
public virtual Boolean EnableDependentAnimation { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty EnableDependentAnimationProperty { get; } | |
public ObjectKeyFrameCollection KeyFrames { get; } | public virtual ObjectKeyFrameCollection KeyFrames { get; } |
public abstract class ObjectKeyFrame | public class ObjectKeyFrame |
: DependencyObject, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DependencyObject, IDependencyObject, IObjectKeyFrame |
public KeyTime KeyTime { get; set; } | public virtual KeyTime KeyTime { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty KeyTimeProperty { get; } | |
public Object Value { get; set; } | public virtual Object Value { get; set; } |
public sealed class ObjectKeyFrameCollection | public sealed class ObjectKeyFrameCollection |
: PresentationFrameworkCollection`1<ObjectKeyFrame>, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IList`1<ObjectKeyFrame>, ICollection`1<ObjectKeyFrame>, IEnumerable`1<ObjectKeyFrame>, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection | : __ComObject, IList`1<ObjectKeyFrame>, ICollection`1<ObjectKeyFrame>, IEnumerable`1<ObjectKeyFrame>, IEnumerable |
public sealed class PointAnimation | public sealed class PointAnimation |
: Timeline, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IPointAnimation |
public Nullable`1<Point> By { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<Point> By { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty ByProperty { get; } | |
public IEasingFunction EasingFunction { get; set; } | public virtual EasingFunctionBase EasingFunction { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty EasingFunctionProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Boolean EnableDependentAnimation { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty EnableDependentAnimationProperty { get; } | |
public Nullable`1<Point> From { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<Point> From { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty FromProperty { get; } | |
public Nullable`1<Point> To { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<Point> To { get; set; } |
public sealed class PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames | public sealed class PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames |
: Timeline, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IPointAnimationUsingKeyFrames |
public virtual Boolean EnableDependentAnimation { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty EnableDependentAnimationProperty { get; } | |
public PointKeyFrameCollection KeyFrames { get; } | public virtual PointKeyFrameCollection KeyFrames { get; } |
public abstract class PointKeyFrame | public class PointKeyFrame |
: DependencyObject, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DependencyObject, IDependencyObject, IPointKeyFrame |
public KeyTime KeyTime { get; set; } | public virtual KeyTime KeyTime { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty KeyTimeProperty { get; } | |
public Point Value { get; set; } | public virtual Point Value { get; set; } |
public sealed class PointKeyFrameCollection | public sealed class PointKeyFrameCollection |
: PresentationFrameworkCollection`1<PointKeyFrame>, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IList`1<PointKeyFrame>, ICollection`1<PointKeyFrame>, IEnumerable`1<PointKeyFrame>, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection | : __ComObject, IList`1<PointKeyFrame>, ICollection`1<PointKeyFrame>, IEnumerable`1<PointKeyFrame>, IEnumerable |
public sealed class PopInThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IPopInThemeAnimation | |
public virtual Double FromHorizontalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty FromHorizontalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double FromVerticalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty FromVerticalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class PopOutThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IPopOutThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double ToHorizontalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ToHorizontalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double ToVerticalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ToVerticalOffsetProperty { get; } |
public class PowerEase | public sealed class PowerEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, IPowerEase |
public Double Power { get; set; } | public virtual Double Power { get; set; } |
public class QuadraticEase | public sealed class QuadraticEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, IQuadraticEase |
public class QuarticEase | public sealed class QuarticEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, IQuarticEase |
public class QuinticEase | public sealed class QuinticEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, IQuinticEase |
public sealed class ReorderThemeTransition | |
: Transition, IDependencyObject, ITransition, IReorderThemeTransition |
public sealed struct RepeatBehavior | public sealed struct RepeatBehavior |
: ValueType, IFormattable | : ValueType |
public Double Count { get; } | |
public TimeSpan Duration { get; } | |
static public RepeatBehavior Forever { get; } | |
public Boolean HasCount { get; } | |
public Boolean HasDuration { get; } | |
public virtual Boolean Equals(Object value); | |
public Boolean Equals(RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior); | |
static public Boolean Equals(RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior1, RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior2); | |
public virtual Int32 GetHashCode(); | |
static public Boolean op_Equality(RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior1, RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior2); | |
static public Boolean op_Inequality(RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior1, RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior2); | |
public virtual String ToString(); | |
public String ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider); |
public sealed class RepeatBehaviorHelper | |
: __ComObject, IRepeatBehaviorHelper | |
static public RepeatBehavior Forever { get; } | |
static public Boolean Equals(RepeatBehavior target, RepeatBehavior value); | |
static public RepeatBehavior FromCount(Double count); | |
static public RepeatBehavior FromDuration(TimeSpan duration); | |
static public Boolean GetHasCount(RepeatBehavior target); | |
static public Boolean GetHasDuration(RepeatBehavior target); |
public sealed enum RepeatBehaviorType | |
: IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible | |
{ Count, Duration, Forever } |
public sealed class RepositionThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IRepositionThemeAnimation | |
public virtual Double FromHorizontalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty FromHorizontalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double FromVerticalOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty FromVerticalOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class RepositionThemeTransition | |
: Transition, IDependencyObject, ITransition, IRepositionThemeTransition |
public sealed class SelectDownThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, ISelectDownThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class SelectUpThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, ISelectUpThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public class SineEase | public sealed class SineEase |
: EasingFunctionBase, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IEasingFunction | : EasingFunctionBase, IDependencyObject, IEasingFunctionBase, ISineEase |
public sealed class SplineColorKeyFrame | public sealed class SplineColorKeyFrame |
: ColorKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : ColorKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IColorKeyFrame, ISplineColorKeyFrame |
public KeySpline KeySpline { get; set; } | public virtual KeySpline KeySpline { get; set; } |
public sealed class SplineDoubleKeyFrame | public sealed class SplineDoubleKeyFrame |
: DoubleKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DoubleKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IDoubleKeyFrame, ISplineDoubleKeyFrame |
public KeySpline KeySpline { get; set; } | public virtual KeySpline KeySpline { get; set; } |
public sealed class SplinePointKeyFrame | public sealed class SplinePointKeyFrame |
: PointKeyFrame, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : PointKeyFrame, IDependencyObject, IPointKeyFrame, ISplinePointKeyFrame |
public KeySpline KeySpline { get; set; } | public virtual KeySpline KeySpline { get; set; } |
public sealed class SplitCloseThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, ISplitCloseThemeAnimation | |
public virtual Double ClosedLength { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ClosedLengthProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String ClosedTargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ClosedTargetNameProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String ContentTargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ContentTargetNameProperty { get; } | |
public virtual AnimationDirection ContentTranslationDirection { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ContentTranslationDirectionProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double ContentTranslationOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ContentTranslationOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double OffsetFromCenter { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty OffsetFromCenterProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double OpenedLength { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty OpenedLengthProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String OpenedTargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty OpenedTargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class SplitOpenThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, ISplitOpenThemeAnimation | |
public virtual Double ClosedLength { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ClosedLengthProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String ClosedTargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ClosedTargetNameProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String ContentTargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ContentTargetNameProperty { get; } | |
public virtual AnimationDirection ContentTranslationDirection { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ContentTranslationDirectionProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double ContentTranslationOffset { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty ContentTranslationOffsetProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double OffsetFromCenter { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty OffsetFromCenterProperty { get; } | |
public virtual Double OpenedLength { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty OpenedLengthProperty { get; } | |
public virtual String OpenedTargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty OpenedTargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class Storyboard | public sealed class Storyboard |
: Timeline, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, IStoryboard |
public TimelineCollection Children { get; } | public virtual TimelineCollection Children { get; } |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetPropertyProperty { get; } | |
public void Begin(); | public virtual void Begin(); |
public ClockState GetCurrentState(); | public virtual ClockState GetCurrentState(); |
public TimeSpan GetCurrentTime(); | public virtual TimeSpan GetCurrentTime(); |
static public String GetTargetName(Timeline element); | static public String GetTargetName(Timeline element); |
static public PropertyPath GetTargetProperty(Timeline element); | static public String GetTargetProperty(Timeline element); |
public void Pause(); | public virtual void Pause(); |
public void Resume(); | public virtual void Resume(); |
public void Seek(TimeSpan offset); | public virtual void Seek(TimeSpan offset); |
public void SeekAlignedToLastTick(TimeSpan offset); | public virtual void SeekAlignedToLastTick(TimeSpan offset); |
static public void SetTarget(Timeline timeline, DependencyObject target); | static public void SetTarget(Timeline timeline, DependencyObject target); |
static public void SetTargetName(Timeline element, String name); | static public void SetTargetName(Timeline element, String name); |
static public void SetTargetProperty(Timeline element, PropertyPath path); | static public void SetTargetProperty(Timeline element, String path); |
public void SkipToFill(); | public virtual void SkipToFill(); |
public void Stop(); | public virtual void Stop(); |
public sealed class TapDownThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, ITapDownThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public sealed class TapUpThemeAnimation | |
: Timeline, IDependencyObject, ITimeline, ITapUpThemeAnimation | |
public virtual String TargetName { get; set; } | |
static public DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty { get; } |
public abstract class Timeline | public class Timeline |
: DependencyObject, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper | : DependencyObject, IDependencyObject, ITimeline |
static public Boolean AllowDependentAnimations { get; set; } | |
public Boolean AutoReverse { get; set; } | public virtual Boolean AutoReverse { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty AutoReverseProperty { get; } | |
public Nullable`1<TimeSpan> BeginTime { get; set; } | public virtual Nullable`1<TimeSpan> BeginTime { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty BeginTimeProperty { get; } | |
public Duration Duration { get; set; } | public virtual Duration Duration { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty DurationProperty { get; } | |
public FillBehavior FillBehavior { get; set; } | public virtual FillBehavior FillBehavior { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty FillBehaviorProperty { get; } | |
public RepeatBehavior RepeatBehavior { get; set; } | public virtual RepeatBehavior RepeatBehavior { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty RepeatBehaviorProperty { get; } | |
public Double SpeedRatio { get; set; } | public virtual Double SpeedRatio { get; set; } |
static public DependencyProperty SpeedRatioProperty { get; } | |
public event EventHandler Completed; | public virtual event EventHandler Completed; |
public sealed class TimelineCollection | public sealed class TimelineCollection |
: PresentationFrameworkCollection`1<Timeline>, IManagedPeer, IManagedPeerBase, INativeCoreTypeWrapper, IList`1<Timeline>, ICollection`1<Timeline>, IEnumerable`1<Timeline>, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection | : __ComObject, IList`1<Timeline>, ICollection`1<Timeline>, IEnumerable`1<Timeline>, IEnumerable |
public class Transition | |
: DependencyObject, IDependencyObject, ITransition |
public sealed class TransitionCollection | |
: __ComObject, IList`1<Transition>, ICollection`1<Transition>, IEnumerable`1<Transition>, IEnumerable |